Monday, March 30, 2009

I've joined the ranks

I'm now pathetically obsessed with the Twilight series. I finished the third book on Thursday, but the library hasn't received my interlibrary loan copy of Breaking Dawn from the lending branch yet. I'm in withdrawal...


I just checked my library account online for the 456,921st time today and IT'S IN! Of course, now I have to go settle up my $456,921 in fines, and then I can have it. No worries. But boy, is our house going to be messy for playgroup tomorrow *sigh*


SueZQ said...

The Ranks welcome you!!! LOL
Sue & Kelly

Garden State Kate said...

LOL, no worries..maybe I'll bring some of my dust bunnies to play with yours lol.;-)

Julie said...

I know how you feel! I resisted, but got a copy for Christmas one year. I read the ENTIRE series in 5 days. Ahem. Thank goodness it was Christmas break and nothing else needed to be done!